
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Logic models with Lesley De Paz
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Lesley De Paz is the lead consultant at Nonprofit Orchard, which offers a "step by step approach to align all aspects of my organization helping us to reach our potential."
Lesley recommends and uses logic models and theories of change to help nonprofits in their work. She joins host Steve Boland to talk about the difference between a logic model and a theory of change, how outputs are different from outcomes, understanding your own inputs to create change, and much more! Visit Nonprofit Orchard to see some examples of logic models, learn about templates, and find other resources.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Volunteerism with Lynn Margherio
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Lynn Margherio is the Founder and CEO of Cradles to Crayons, which "provides children from birth through age 12, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at home, at school, and at play. We supply these items free of charge by engaging and connecting communities." Cradles to Crayons uses a lot of volunteers - of all ages - to meet their mission goals.
Lynn joins host Steve Boland to talk about the importance of volunteerism as a component of building both service delivery and community support for nonprofit missions. The Cradles to Crayons "Giving Factory" (a warehouse where volunteers can give to their mission) has thousands of volunteer visits every year and Lynn talks about leveraging that commitment to further engagement in the mission work over time. Lynn talks about growing from faxes and spreadsheets to using a customized Salesforce implementation (more on Salesforce for nonprofits in this podcast episode), the importance of relationship and connection with volunteers, and much more.
Lynn also has a TEDxBeaconStreet talk about building an "army of empathy" including volunteers and building a culture of connection from a young age.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Give Black Alliance with Bithiah Carter
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Bithiah Carter is the President and CEO of Give Black Alliance, which "seeks to create a strong Black community capable of advocating on its own behalf and identifying the necessary resources to support its vitality."
Bithiah joins host Steve Boland to talk about the origins of the Give Black Alliance and the tools they use to engage the community around understanding the impact of Black donors and conversations within Black movements. Bithiah shares about the Giving Black reports sharing information about specific cities and case studies, the #CouchConversations series available on their website, and a challenge for all communities to meaningfully engage in Black philanthropy.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
AI Responsibility Principles with Submittable
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Anne Nies is the Director of Science for Submittable, and Sam Caplan is the Vice President of Social Impact. Submittable is a platform to help "clients further social impact through programs that reach millions of people around the world."
Anne and Sam join host Steve Boland to talk about five specific principles that Submittable is deploying as it makes Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools available in their platform - both for nonprofits and those organizations that support charities. The principles include AI as; Empowering, Accountable, Transparent, Equitable, and Private & Secure. Anne and Sam discuss how these principles help their whole user community understand their tools and choices. There is more information at https://www.submittable.com/ai/

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Election-year fundraising with Shanna Kirby of Classy
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Shanna Birky is the Vice President, Customer Experience at Classy, "a giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about." Classy is presenting a webinar on election-year fundraising on May 1, 2024.
Shanna joins host Steve Boland talk about election year issues such as looking at specific dates this year to be aware campaign issues (primaries, debates, etc...) and timing your own events to avoid conflicts, developing a rapid response strategy, setting up specific campaigns on topics being discussed in elections, and being ready for "rage-giving" in unexpected issues that may arise as elections continue.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Donor Advised Funds with Matt Nash
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Matt Nash is the executive director of the Blackbaud Giving Fund, which has "administered over $1.6 billion in donations from passionate individuals and corporations to 195,000 nonprofit organizations around the world."
Matt joins host Steve Boland to talk about how small and mid-sized charities can be most open to finding and connecting with donors using tools such as donor-advised funds. Matt shares his thoughts about understanding the tools some donors may choose, asking donors to connect in supporting the work outside of contributions (such as volunteering, connecting to peers at employment-based sites) and stewarding those relationships over time.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Shopping donation programs with Shaun Kulesza
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Shaun Kulesza is the Founder and CEO of ShopRaise, which "help(s) causes engage supporters, build their brand and raise money through socially-conscious shopping." Shaun joins the podcast to talk about where shopping donation programs can fit into the nonprofit fundraising landscape, how ShopRaise works, and what charities should know about programs like this in their portfolio of approaches to raising support.
Host Steve Boland shares his initial skepticism of shopping programs, and Shaun addresses some of those concerns about when and how nonprofit missions may benefit from these tools. The conversation includes the changes in the landscape since the demise of Amazon Smile (and a reminder to remove those links lingering on your website!) and the importance of a range of options for a range of potential supporters for a mission-based organization.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Salesforce for nonprofits with Jenn Taylor
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Jenn Taylor is the Founder of Deep Why Design, created to "to help nonprofit organizations transform and humanize their data systems. Humanized systems are transparent, equitable, and effective." The Deep Why Design team has been assisting nonprofits with tools such as Salesforce, and Jenn joins this episode to talk about the evolution of Salesforce into something more and more useful to smaller and mid-sized nonprofits.
Host Steve Boland talks to Jenn about the true cost of the "free" Salesforce.org licenses (read: free as in puppies, not free as in beer), understanding Salesforce as a hub of data and not always the tool to collect or process it, the extensive ecosystem of tools that connect to Salesforce, and much more.

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Giving Circles with Sara Lomelin
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Sara Lomelin is the CEO of Philanthropy Together, with a mission "to democratize and diversify philanthropy through the power of collective giving." Sara joins host Steve Boland to talk about the power of collective giving in community.
Philanthropy Together offers layers of tools to support communal giving, from starting new giving circles to now a Lauchpad for Nonprofits offering to support charities in building their own donor-connected giving. Sara discusses the long-time use of circles, and also the newer tools like Grapevine to support them. She talks about expanded giving tactics which may include tax-deductible gifts, but may also be impacted by community decisions such as funding informal mutual aid networks. Philanthropy Today is specifically interested in how these tools may shift the historic inequities in charitable giving, leveling the field for efforts led by people of color, gender-diverse leaders, and more.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Equity in philanthropy
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Noelani Pearl Hernandez is the Vice President, Culture & Leadership at Charity Navigator, whose mission "is to make impactful giving easier for all ". Carly Bad Heart Bull is the Executive Director of Native Ways Federation, which "strengthen(s) the circle of giving by uniting Native organizations, supporting Native communities, and observing the highest level of ethical standards."
Carly and Noelani join host Steve Boland to discuss equity in philanthropic giving. They talk about defining equity in this context, about organizations that are Native-led v. Native-serving, and what measures are changing when donors and philanthropy talk about seeking equity in giving. Carly contributed blog ideas on these topics on the Charity Navigator site.
Charity Navigator's Encompass Rating system offers a holistic view of a charity’s effectiveness and reliability beyond just finances and dives into the overall health of a charity’s programs making it possible to present a full and fair picture of an organization. Carly encourages listeners to consider action via Native Nonprofit Day, a national giving day in coming back in 2024.